We will be more humane if we are cooperating and we bring to our daily life relationships with our peers and and with our environment less aggressive and more participative, banishing all forms of discrimination and misery.
– Dr. Fernando Fonseca
¿What do we do?
Get a child up.
Train the disabled in HANDS AND FEET
5 petals · 5 areas of action of the Foundation

· Medicine · Cinema · Training · Awareness · Cooperation ·
The feet are independence. hands are creation, tact and subtlety but above all survival. Without feet there is no movement. Without hands there is no freedom.
The Fernando Fonseca Foundation (FFF) is a secular, independent, open and
democratic, without political or religious affiliation, dedicated to continuing the humanitarian work initiated by Dr. Fernando Fonseca in the field of hand surgery, microsurgery, and orthopedic surgery for underprivileged children.
The Foundation also emphasizes the audiovisual aspects that help us to
raise public awareness of the needs medical-humanitarian of children.
And finally, FFF is committed to supporting the medical-humanitarian actions inside and outside of our borders, taking into account the global concept of health, supplementing with awareness and training.
The five petals of our flower define the main axes of our actions.
About us

We are a multidisciplinary, dynamic team with a strong commitment to health, social justice and human rights. The Foundation benefits from the reputation, name and professional and cooperative humanistic career of Dr. Fernando Fonseca Máñez, so we have the responsibility to make good use of his name in the development of our activity.

Fina Sensada Boixader

Marc García-Elias i Cos
Honorary President

Djilouba Beninga
Honorary Collaborator-Dakar

Nacho Duato

Diego Chacaltana Magret

Assumpció Fàbregas i Anglada

David Paredes Zapata
Los Colaboradores

Padre Michel Gimbaud
Special collaborator (MOUNDOU-CHAD)

Toni Espinosa
Special collaborator (BARCELONA-SPAIN)

Catherine Allard
Special collaborator (BARCELONA-SPAIN)

Jordi Torrent
Special collaborator (NY-USA)

Eduard Rabat
Special collaborator( BARCELONA-SPAIN)

Flavia Galuppo
Special collaborator (NY-USA)
Cooperate · Associate · Make a donation
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Only the battle that who you abandon is lost