In Bahrain for the Honorific President Marc Garcia-Elias  and Fina Sensada,President.(February

In Saudy Arabia, in the King Faisal Hospital in Riadh,  in the Trauma Department. and work shop “Hand Surgery “ for the Trauma Department taught by Dr. Marc Garcia-Elias.(March)

In Singapur, in  the Asia/Pacific Hand Surgery Congress for the Dr. Marc Garcia-Elias and  work shop  of  Hand Surgery  and Disection course. Taught by Dr. Marc Garcia-Elias.(May)

Surgical interventions

Surgical intervention of Mohammad, a child from the desert of Judah, SA , a due to a disabled hand problem. For Dr. Marc Garcia-Elias, Dr. Alex Lluch, Dr. Xesco Soldado in Creu Blanca Clinic of Barcelona.(August) and Kaplan Institut.