The following video is a summary of the surgical and exploratory expedition to Senegal and Chad that we have carried out in January 2023.

Surgical training in hand and foot surgery (2023)

Bimonthly online courses (zoom) for African surgeons, directed from the Foundation in Barcelona by Dr. Marc Garcia-Elias. Coordinated from Senegal by Dr. Djilouba Beninga.

With a total of 15 participants each session from Senegal, Morocco, Chad, Burkina, Cameorun, Guinea, Congo, Mali, Senegal. In 2022, 6 courses of hand and foot surgery were taught by Dr Garcia-Elias, Dr Eduard Rabat and Dr Alex Lluch.

Bimonthly courses of Hand and Foot Surgery. Taught by Dr. Albert Lluch for African surgeons via online. (February 2023)

Face-to-face workshop with consultation and approach to complicated cases, Senegal. taught by Dr. Marc Garcia-Elias (2023)